Archambault Family | Extended Christmas Session | Trail B.C. | West Kootenay Family Photographer
This weekend has been hard to say the last. Not hard in the way of stress, or kids being difficult, or anything like that, but hard because we all still in isolation. This weekend is typically spent with family, cooking giant meals, and running around the yard with cousins and friends searching for easter eggs. This year it all looks and feels very different. Many families, like mine still proceeded with Easter festivities and don’t get we wrong we had a wonderful day and weekend! However, I am so, so missing my extended family. I want to hug my mom & dad and grandparents I want my kids to run into their arms and get picked up and snuggled.
As I sat at my computer this weekend putting together this blog of little Julian, his parents and grandparents, I had all of these emotions flood over me. I was so grateful that I had been able to capture them all together at such a happy festive time and instantly sad to think that they are all missing each other just as I am missing my parents. Having images like these with extended family, in my opinion (even more so now) is so important and I am so excited to get out and capture more families and extended families as soon as this is all over!
This past Christmas, I got to spend the afternoon with Melissa, Mike, Julian and Julian’s grandparents. This little boy is so loved and definitely stole the show! At the time of this session the snow was just starting to stick to the ground and it was pretty dreary outside. Staying strictly indoors for family sessions can be hit or miss. Depending on the day and how the light is can greatly change the outcome of the images. Luckily for us, the living room area that we were shooting in had big beautiful windows which allowed for some great natural lighting and the freshly painted white walls and ceiling helped play as a reflector. The cherry on top for me was the real Christmas tree in the corner of the room! Lucas and I have been using the same fake Christmas tree since we first moved in together and after seeing all the beautiful real trees this past year i’m thinking i’m sold on the idea!
I had such a wonderful time documenting this family, thank you Melissa and Mike for having me into your home to capture all of you together! I hope these images are something you will cherish for a lifetime!