Orchard Mini Session - Honey Crisp

I love this time of year. The air gets crisp, the days get cooler and the apples are ready for harvest. Having lived on an Orchard for the past 5 years I can't help but be transfixed with the trees. From the time the first bud appears until the last leaves fall, I'm all over it! This year has been extra special for me. Not only do I get to enjoy the changes in season myself, but I get to share it with my daughter who is now 11 months, and let me tell you how appreciative she is...Ok so it's still more for me than anything, but she will look back one day and say "wow Mom! Thank you for introducing me to the trees!" I just know it... 

Today the fruit pickers will arrive and the apples will slowly disappear. So before they do I felt it absolutely necessary to take my little peanut and stick her in-between some apple rows. There is no better tree isle than the one full of giant honey crisp apples. 

Here is a look from our orchard mini session today. 

Larissa Simonetta

Kootenay and Okanagan photographer. Documenting love, life, family and everything in-between. I can;t wait to hear about your photography needs and hope we can work together soon!


Newborn Photo Session - Kaia


Inside the Sydney Light Opera House