Fall Family Session in the Ferns | Trail B.C. | West Kootenay Family Photographer
The world as we know it is changing daily. Our regular routines that we took for granted have been turned upside down and we don’t know when it’s all going to return to normal. I have been struggling on my end if continuing with my blog is something I even want to do right now. Today, I decided that what I need is all the love and warm fuzzy feeling I can get. If these posts of closeness and love of family help you get there too and make your day just a tiny bit brighter thanthan i’ve done my part in making todays world a little bit better!
On this day we were supposed to be shooting at Beaver Creek park down by the river, however as luck would have it they had just closed their gate for the winter season. Luckily I had a secondary location less than 5 minutes away. Holy smokes, did it turn out to be better than I could have hoped for. The colours they decided to wear for their river session worked so perfectly with the burnt orange backdrop of the ferns, it’s almost as if it was meant to be! This family was such a joy to work with and as so many of my family sessions go, we got rained on! So much so, that I had put a plastic bag over my camera to help keep it dry! Despite the rain and cooler temperature this family brought all the warmth and love to their session and I am so grateful they chose me to capture all of them together!