Kucher Family | Beaver Creek | West Kootenay Family Photographer
This past fall I had the pleasure to work some amazing families! Fall has always been and always will be, my favourite time of year. October was much cooler than previous years and if memory serves me right, sunny days were few and far between. Everyday leading up to this session, even the morning of and the next few days to follow had been overcast, cloudy and rainy. Don’t get me wrong, those days often provide the best light for photos, but on this day when our session was set for the early evening, I started to get a little worried. Overcast during the morning or mid day is perfection, however, in the evening when the sun lowers and clouds line the sky, it gets dark pretty darn fast! On this evening we were so lucky! I don’t know how or why but the sun made its appearance and it was GORGEOUS! It was a night where if I had been at home, I might have looked out the window and cried, because someone needed to be photographed in all this golden hour autumn glory! Lucky for me and the Kucher Family they booked the most perfect of evenings for their family photos! Beaver Creek, in my opinion offers some of the most beautiful, scenic spots in the Trail area and on this night it didn’t disappoint. The water was down, the beach exposed and the colours were impeccable! Not to mention I had such a fun adorable family to soak it all in!